Welcome to Picaccelerator.com. Picaccelerator.com is a photo blog that collect and showcase inspiring photographs. This great photography blog is for everyone with an interest in photography, or want to be inspired by those stunning images presented here. Most of the pictures are recommended by users and the copyrights belong to the right-holders. If you find a photo that you think shouldn't be here, send a removal note via contact form.
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12 November 2013 at 10:20
you do know that superman can lift greater than 100 tons right?
I mean he loved planets for god sake
19 November 2013 at 16:30
go to physics for idiots.com once your there click on the physics for idoits logo,then you just click on feature article after that enjoy the physics article about superman that's all I have to say on my behalf.this an physics article about the man of steel written by a former physics student or so it seems.and when it comes to supermans sundipping abillty,this guy knows what hes talking about since he's learned or is learning real world physics.